Going into the new year, I made a youtube video displaying the best images in shot during reviews and other…

Bronica ETRS – Hasselblad alternative medium format review
For some years I have owned a medium format camera, that behaves much like the classical Hasselblad 500CM, and I…

Hasselblad XCD 90V f2.5 lens is awesome
Recently, beginning of december 2023, I received a new lens from Hasselblad, the XCD 90V f2.5 lens, a lens I…

Photography videos on youtube
I’m building up my youtube channel adding a lot of photography videos to my channel. Recently, I have uploaded a…

New Hasselblad X2D
September 2022 Hasselblad released a major update to their X-series of cameras. I already used the Hasselblad X1D mark ii…

Kilimanjaro Guide, my new book
An image based narrative on the trek up to the Roof of Africa, the mountain of Kilimanjaro. I have just…

New, old camera
After having shot on Hasselblad 500 CM analog film camera since I was 20 years, and having owned and shot…

Analog photography, my most recent book
Finally, I finished my book on analog photography bearing the under title “Guide to better analog photography for beginners.” For…

Baltoro and K2 Basecamp Trek
An image based narrative on the K2 Basecamp Trek. I have just released my book on the K2 Basecamp Trek,…

Vintage glass on Hasselblad X1D II
I have been reviewing a lot of different lenses on my Hasselblad X1D 50C mark ii, and decided to make…