I finished my book on panoramic images shot directly in camera.
For the book to become true I shot around 15 different cameras at a number of different locations like The Himalayas, Iceland, Turkey, and other places. But actually, most of the images are from the local area around my home in Denmark, from urban areas as well as the surrounding nature.
There are images from many types of cameras, both analog film cameras of several types and from different ages, as well as several digital cameras from very cheap to extremely expensive.
But the cameras are mostly there to show, that you can shoot amazing images with anything from a toy like camera or a single-use disposable camera to some of the most expensive cameras on the market. It not the camera that decides if the image is going to be great, it’s you idea about what you are shooting and how you want to depict it.

The book can be obtained from Amazon, but if you like to support me best possible, I would like you to buy it directly from the publisher as I will get a larger part of the cost if you obtain it there. The link below is to that site.